Foster brand loyalists and connect with your audience. Learn how to create a winning brand identity with this introductory guide.
There is tremendous competition for your audience’s attention; it is crucial for your small business to stand apart from the crowd. A distinct brand identity will differentiate you from your competition and position your business for success. More than just a logo and color scheme, your brand is the way you present your company to new and returning customers.
Strong brands create loyalty. In fact, even in a time of seemingly limitless purchasing options, an overwhelming 90% of consumers see themselves as brand-loyal. Brand loyalty can nurture future business while creating real-world advocates for your company.
In our introductory Branding guide, we teach you how to create brand loyalists. Our digital marketing experts explain the elements of a brand and teach you how to define your company’s core belief (your WHY). We explain the process for developing your small business’s Brand Style Guide and show you how to effectively position your brand for success.