Build a website that drives conversions and grows your business. Learn the basics of website development in this easy-to-understand guide.
96% of people seeking legal advice start their searches online. If someone searches for your services and arrives at your website, it is crucial to provide a positive user experience and convert that click into a client. If your website isn’t generating leads and spurring conversions, you need to change it now.
A website isn’t just an online brochure for your law firm; it is essential to your success in today’s competitive market. Your site should be fast, informative, and engaging. Within seconds, your visitors should rest assured that they have arrived at the right place.
In our introductory Website Development guide, our web design experts explain the building blocks of winning websites. We discuss the basics of web hosting, SSL certificates, website themes, website plugins, functionality, speed, content delivery networks, DNS, and firewalls.