Increased PowerStop’s Conversions by 49%
The Challenge:
At Twelve Three Media, we continually strive to improve our clients’ ROI, month over month and campaign over campaign. We partnered with the client to set a performance metric objective to improve our current cost per conversion on already well-performing campaigns.
What We Did:
Twelve Three Media’s strategy was to focus on audience targeting and campaign structure in order to reduce the cost per conversion of our revenue generating campaigns.
We have had much success in advertising to cold audiences by using thoughtful audience targeting. We started with our core audiences’ interests and hobbies and then expanded to some lifestyle focused targeting. We grouped similar targeting together and tested them against perennial performers.
Then we set up our campaign structure in a way that feeds the algorithm so we were swimming with the current and not against it. The more options we have available to the algorithm, the cheaper our cost per conversion becomes. With 46% of clicks turning into a conversion, we knew we were targeting the right audience.
Establishing the campaign as a high converting campaign gave us the ability to scale to new audiences while maintaining or reducing the cost per conversion.
With this strategy, we achieved an unprecedented 49% increase in the number of conversions with a 42% decrease in the cost per conversion.